Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Love Michelle Obama...

Ok so I'm watching the replay of Larry King live with Michelle Obama and I find myself clapping ridiculously in my cubicle. I love Barack too but I think a part of me loves him because he loves Michelle. Someone asked me why I'm voting for Barack and part of my response was because of the impact that having him as president would mean for my nephew as a young black man. The second part of my response, one that I didn't realize I felt so strongly about until I started saying it, was because he loves, is married to and supports a black woman. But he doesn't love just any woman he loves a brilliant, sophisticated and accomplished black woman. As I watched Michelle finesse her responses to Larry I thought I can't wait until she becomes first lady. She inspired me. She inspired me in an Oprah sort of way where immediately after hearing her speak, you want to make a positive change in the world. I love Michelle Obama because she is proud and honest. She says what Barack can't say, but in a way that's so smooth and calm that you can't tell if you've just been complimented or condemned.