Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I told y'all she was crazy

So it appears that Hillary does share Lyndon B. Johnson's sentiments. Now apparently Barack is an elitist. I'm not going to take the path that somehow a black man in America can not be elitist. I've met plenty of black elitists who cling to legacy and an inherent sense of superiority with the best of them. However Hillary's constituency and possibly Hillary herself don't claim Barack is elitist due to an observation of some sort of inherent superiority complex, they are referring to Barack as an elitist for being an educated, well spoken, married, black man. Essentially they are suggesting that he is an elitist for the same reasons that they initially claimed that he isn't black enough-he does not fit their stereotype of what it means to be black.

Every bullet point on Senator Obama's resume challenges Hillary's perceived entitlement to the oval office due to the fact that we all did a little better financially while her husband was in office; I've got a whole nother blog in mind to analyze that. That the media is complicit in the perpetuation of Hillary's baseless claim demonstrates the institutionality of the racist belief that somehow education reduces or negates "blackness" and results in elitism. This elitist atack is parallel to other colloquialisms referring to black people who dare to take pride in themselves including but not limited to "chip on the shoulder," "arrogant," and Lyndon B. Johnson's term of choice "uppity negro."

What about Barack's observation that rural/working class,(code word for poor) white americans habitually vote against their own interests and are diverted by issues of no relevance to their everyday lives due to their bitterness about their personal circumstances was untrue or elitist? In fact I think that Barack was too lenient in his observation of this demographic. Bottom line poor white people have aligned themselves with rich white people against their own self interests due to racism, and the notion that somehow whiteness trumps all for centuries in this country. In fact it was Dr. Kings astute observation of this fact and his attempt to unite all economically and politically disadvantaged people white and black that resulted in his fall from grace among white elites including but not limited to Lyndon Johnson.

I wish that Barack could ask Hillary to clarify what aspect of his statement was elitist or historically inaccurate. Alas he can not as that would play into the other institutionalized cultural doctrine that a black man can not question or offend a white woman, however slight the offense, without bringing down the wrath of all of white america. Which leads me to ponder the cultural implications of white women lying to implicate black men...

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