Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's When They Wanted Randal to Share the Apprentice All Over Again

I used to be the biggest apprentice fan in the world. I even skipped going to work one day to stand outside NBC studios in the hopes of hearing Donald Trump say "you're hired." Then Randal won and just as I was about to do my victory step in the name of Kwame Jackson, the Donald asks Randal to share his win with Rebecca. When Randal replied appropriately "this is the Apprentice not the Apprenti," fake outrage like this ensued. I haven't watched the Apprentice since, even when they attempted to use the lure of the ever entertaining Omorosa to trick me into coming back, I still felt some kind of way about the Donald implying that Randal shouldn't be able to have his 15 minutes without some other chick getting 7 1/2 of them.

Fast forward to the 2008 Democratic primary and the stage is being set for more fake outrage. Pundits all over the idiot box are speculating about a so called "dream ticket" which to me is synonymous with this chick can't win but you should let her come and steal your thunder so as not to appear selfish despite the fact that had you been in her shoes everyone would be calling you a loser and telling you to fade into obscurity already. I sure hope Senator Obama doesn't acquiesce.

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