Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ever since i learned that Qaddafi built a river in Libya I've been wondering why other African leaders did not work with him to improve irrigation and water purification challenges through out the continent. Now it looks like they just may.

DAKAR, Senegal — President Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya was named chairman of the African Union on Monday, wresting control of a body he helped found and has long wanted to remake in his pan-African image.

His installation as the new head of the 53-member body resembled more of a coronation than a democratic transfer of power. Colonel Qaddafi was dressed in flowing gold robes and surrounded by traditional African leaders who hailed him as the “king of kings.”

The choice of Colonel Qaddafi was not a surprise — he was the leading candidate — but the prospect of his election to lead the African Union caused some unease among some of the group’s member nations, who were meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as well as among diplomats and analysts. Colonel Qaddafi, who has ruled Libya with an iron hand for decades, is a stark change from the succession of recent leaders from democratic countries like Tanzania, Ghana and Nigeria.

Read entire article here.

I wish someone would let me borrow about $2B so that I could put solar panels in the Sahara desert and provide an alternative power source throughout the continent.

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