Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stop the world and let me off...

Looking at the current state of the world I can't stop thinking about the Tower of Babel. Humans, fresh off the flood and full of themselves, felt like they should build a tower to heaven and make a name for themselves across the Earth. Of course this story is a myth developed by humans to explain the poly lingual nature of the Earth, but it seems so appropriate in these times. Across the globe, people destroyed what was best about the diverse cultures of the world to speak one tongue and adhere to one standard of life. Men transformed themselves to gods on Earth, subjecting one another to atrocities, attempting to limit the extent to which individuals could exist and what could matter to them. I know this is an over simplification, but weren't banks and governments the culmination of man's desire to control the Earth? Under the current world order, men control every one's right to pursue even the most fundamental human desires: food and shelter. Given the power to control others man didn't seek to uplift or share, instead he waged war and stood by idly as hunger, disease and poverty persisted.

What if banks are supposed to fail? Back in October when former President Bush sent Paulson out to hoodwink Congress, I couldn't help thinking why do I care if banks fail? Sure it would be terrible for capitalism and the current world order but what if you didn't really like the current world order to begin with? What if people didn't have to indenture themselves to banks and could really pursue their own interests? Sure it would be hard at first but I think I would prefer tending to my own garden to sitting in my cubicle.

The current system promotes class hierarchy, hunger, war and destruction; surely enlightened souls could come up with an alternative to the injustices wrought upon our spirits each day. Why does the fulfillment of the few have to come at the costs of so many?

Maybe I'm a dreamer but my goal in life is to live somewhere warm enjoying the Earth's bounty, surrounded by loved ones, pontificating on the origins of life. I know that many people's nature would push them to fight and destroy one another, but what if everyone just started a garden and we all just ate enough and didn't hoard and gorge? What if we could appreciate the sing song nature of multiple languages and embrace the spiritual philosophies of multiple cultures? What if we didn't desire to be gods on Earth controlling one another and the rest of the Earth's inhabitants for a change?

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