Friday, February 13, 2009

The Media...

Will the media stop reporting every single thing that the president does? I understand that news outlets have to make money, but do we need to know every single step the man takes? The conspiracy theorist in me says that the media is intentionally over exposing the president so that the American public will become fatigued and apathetic again, allowing the media to spoon feed us what they want us to know. But my more conformist side says that this is just like everything else in our capitalist system, when people find out that something makes money they milk it dry.

From playing the same song on the radio 1000 times a day to incorporating rap music into every form of advertisement from rapping lizards to rapping grannies to every single person with studio time recording a song using a vocoder, capitalism encourages people to suck the life out of all forms of inspiration or creativity. It's as though business owners do not believe that consumers are capable of appreciating more than one concept at a time.

Note to the media, yes we like President Obama, yes we think he's intelligent and we do want to know pertinent relevant information about what is going on in the white house, but each day your dramatizations about supposed infighting and "missteps" are tending more and more toward hyperbole as opposed to news. Here's an idea on something Americans may also be interested in.

I have to go check now to see if the president has sneezed today and if it was the sneeze heard round the world or some other god awful headline...

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